Thursday 30 June 2016

Éste se salva por un pelo...

A bit of a borderline case here from Sabe Rico. The lettuce sure looks manky.

(La mala noticia es que el pelo probablemente estaba presente en el pan...)

The Ground Rules...

2-3 ingredients, most typically lettuce, cucumber and tomato

Ideally less than one whole tomato, a quarter cucumber and some manky lettuce

Occasionaly a slice of lemon or drops thereof

The primary purpose of the garnish is to fill the remainder of the plate. In other words there should be no visible evidence of culinary imagination of any sort, though slackness (huevonería) or dearth of creativity may ultimately produce a similar result. 

Huevonerí extremo

Mojarras tiesas acompañadas con la típica ensalada de huevones...

Pobre ardilla...

A moca-ry of a side salad